See you Maldives !

After 9 years spent in one of the most enchanting Paradise on Earth is time to move on and continue our journey.


It s time again to pack and move on, taking the most incredible treasure inside of us…


What we experienced in Maldives goes beyond any Dream and utopia.


Sacred encounters with the dolphins, manta rays, whale shark and all the natural wonders of the DownUnder world.


Absorbed from the nature, endless stars and wonderful sunrise and sunset…

Magic land where fairy tales exist, where the Love for the Nature can express itself…


The indian Ocean , magic place where we met and surf the same waves years ago….


Maldives can’t be described, must be experienced ! Don t miss the underwater part, the real wonder!

IMG_6398All the Dreams cultivated in our Life developed and took form in between breathtaking sunsets and  island life style.


Been lucky enough to find good friends, the connection will be always there…

Thank you from the Heart for all the experiences shared and the good time!

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The Indian Ocean and the sacred Earth of the Maldives gave Life to our ultimate Dream and is exactly this one we are following….

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So.. see you later


Love & Greetings from Maldives!


Hello Friends & Ocean lovers,
we want to wish you all the best for the Festive Season and a Wonderful New
Year. May all our wish become true and Peace & Harmony guide us on the
Life’s journey.

Another fabulous year just ended and so many wonders and incredible
experiences are ready to reveal itself on this new year ahead.

Wish us all  to experience Joy, get together and share it with the people
we love.

IMG_5394Let’s celebrate Life and create our own Dream and make it true.




Let the mind be free and follow our inner guide…

Let’s explore this amazing World, enjoy every moment deeply.


Love what we do and do what we Love!


Apologies if we did not updated the blog regularly on the last months but we have been often in remote places with no internet connection…



Follow your Dreams, always believing that everything is possible and that the only limitations are in our mind.


IMG_1423Sometime get inspired from nature and the underwater world is the best we can do!

IMG_1457Look to the fish and enjoy the stillness, the colorful surrounding  and the easy going mode 🙂



Playing and exploring new environment is one of the way to recharge and energize ourselves.

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Life is also about Fun &  Experience, in order to be happy!

Be Happy!

Cris & Seba


Ayubowan! Yala National Park


After couple of weeks exploring the beaches now is time for some green, trees and forest!

Yala and Kumana national parks we are coming!!!!

From Arugam bay is just half hour driving and the view is amazing….

DSCN0691Before even enter the park we have a Dream….spot the leopard 🙂

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The nature is  spectacular and wherever ones watch is alternating colors, plants and animals. Buffalo, deer, foxes, flocks of birds and much more  are crossing our sight.



Completely immersed into the nature and absorbed from the silence until we could hear the trumpeting of an elephant and a beautiful one just stopped in front of us for a while…

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Peaceful and regardless of what is going on around, after about twenty minutes the elephant decides to move on and so our journey can continue 🙂

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Straining the eyes we could spot iguanas and crocodiles among the plants to the banks of the river.

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The animals did not moved at all as we passed and continued indifferently their lazy afternoon in the green



Around the sunset time, while Cris was keep on asking to the guide where was possible to spot the leopard, the answer was very clear… “Normally the leopard prefer to observe from the top of the rock, between the bushes”… well so why we are not watching up to spot it ??? Look on the right direction and…. here we go! Leopard, leopard!!! wohooooo!!

A beautiful leopard was watching what happen around, unfortunately the camera was not ready on that moment 😦

Inside the forest there is a small Hindu temple with funny monkeys all over the places 🙂



And to conclude our beautiful day on the park, cruising in between fields and free animals….


We are ready again for some blue ocean vibes 🙂



Back on the beach side, now on the west side of the island to explore another sparkling area and meet some friends 🙂

IMG_0455HIkkadwa is the perfect place to rest at the end of this incredible journey, across the whole country!

Beautiful beach, much more to discover and…. our  friends Cristian & Francesca with us! Yuppieee!


IMG_0180Bye Bye Sri Lanka, thank you for all the wonders and see you soon!